Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Coconut Porridge - தேங்காய் கஞ்சி

Rice - 1/2 cup
Green gram (Moong dal) - 1 handful
Fenugreek (Methi) seeds - Little
Garlick - 10-15 cloves
Scrapped coconut - 1 half
Water - 3 cups

Put the cooker on stove pour 3 cups of water and add rice, green gram, fenugreek seeds, peeled garlic cloves and scrapped coconut and leave it for 2 or 3 whistle or for 20 minutes. After opening the cooker you can have with buttermilk & salt. You can either serve it like rice and add buttermilk & salt and eat or make it water with the same combination.

Note: This is a very good medicinal food for stomach related problems.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Beetroot Chutney - பீட்ரூட் துகையல்

Beetroot - 1 (Medium size)
Scrapped coconut - 3 spoon
Red Chilli - 3 or 4
Salt as needed
Urad Dhal - 2 spoon and Mustard seeds for seasoning

Cut Beetroot into small pieces. Put fry pan and do seasoning with urad dhal, mustard seeds and chillies. Fry them till chillies turn red and then put the beetroot and scrapped coconut mix them well. Now after switching off the stove, let it cool then grind this in mixi and Beetroot thogayal is ready to serve.

Note: Same recipe can be done replacing Beetroot with Red or White Raddish